Customer Testimonials

We have worked with Automated Motion, Inc. for more than 15 years on a variety of complex automation systems.  They have successfully planned and built robotic cells and gantry style palletizers designed for our multitude of flexible packaging requirements. They have also installed electrical controls for many of our conveyor systems where high speed part management and counting is critical.  I have confidence that when they say they can do it, they truly can.  Dean and his capable team are our first choice for automation solutions.

Bob McClelland / Independent Can

Ecologic has worked with Automated Motion, Inc. for over five years. During this time, AMI has grown to be our most trusted development partner when it comes to cutting edge innovation and solving difficult manufacturing challenges. The multiple projects AMI has completed have been on time and on budget. Their team provides reliable customer service after the sale and makes sure the equipment delivers on expectations. During multiple trips to our facility, the AMI team has gotten to know our business and has become a true partner in achieving our goals. Automated Motion is a first class company that receives my highest recommendation.

Greg Rodrigues / CEO of Ecologic

I couldn’t think of a better company to cut our teeth in production robotics other than Automated Motion. From conceptual development to final workflow automation, Automated Motion’s staff was responsive and supportive through the entire process.

Mark LeDonne / Gamse Lithographing Company

Automated Motion consistently finds a way to solve our automation needs.  Their ability to bring innovative ideas to reality has helped us throughout the years.

Todd Goetze / Goetze Candy Company